Version: 5.4.x

Create Transaction

Create Transaction via the server#

The OpenHIM routes through the ports 5000 (https), 5001 (http) and 7786 tcp. Any request that passes through the OpenHIM is a transaction. For the routing to happen, there has to be a channel that has the route(s) to the upstream server(s). The request has to have a path that matches the channel's urlPattern.

To route using the OpenHIM, create a channel on the OpenHIM console or through the API. If the channel is configured to be a private channel, a client will need to be created. The client and the channel should be configured such that they are linked. This is done by ensuring that one of the roles created in client matches one of the roles in channel's allow property. The client id and password will be used for authentication. The transaction is created irregardless of whether the upstream server (mediator) being routed to exists or not.

Example routing#

Create the channel.

Ensure that request's <PATH> matches the channel's urlPattern. If the channel is private the client's Id and password will have to be passed in for the username and password.

Copy the below code into a file titled router.js and supply the correct implementation details.

const request = require('request');
(async () => {
const options = {
method: 'GET',
url: `https://localhost:5000/<PATH>`,
rejectUnauthorized: false,
auth: {
user: '',
pass: 'openhim-password'
json: true
request(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) throw new Error(error)
statusCode: response.statusCode,

Execute the below commands in your terminal to run the nodejs script

npm install request && node router.js

The response body will be returned. If the upstream server (server being routed to) is down the response status will be 500 and the response body will be An internal server error occurred.