Version: 7.0.x


Data for Accountability Transparency and Impact (DATIM)

Data for Accountability, Transparency and Impact Monitoring (DATIM), a project of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), was created to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS worldwide by collecting AIDS data to analyze PEPFAR program effectiveness and efficiency and help improve overall accountability.

DATIM is the PEPFAR-specific version of DHIS2 and is used to collect data at all necessary levels of granularity for:

  • Facility and community-based site level reporting
  • Sub-national and national aggregations

Since the implementation of DATIM in 2015, over 10,000 people in 58 countries have used the DATIM DHIS2 platform (Measure evaluation, 2016).

How the OpenHIM is used#

The OpenHIM enables the transmission of aggregate data between DATIM Node, the data collected at country-level, and DATIM Global, where the data is analysed and evaluated. Aggregate data is sent using an ADX transaction with appropriate metadata.