Version: 8.0.x

Getting started with OpenHIM development

This guide describes how to get a development environment up for the OpenHIM-core and the OpenHIM-console. This guide assumes you are running a Linux environment.

If you're only interested in playing around with the OpenHIM perhaps checkout our sandbox environments! Links in the footer.

Setting up your OpenHIM-core dev environment#


To follow this guide you will need internet access and the following software installed:

  • NodeJS v12
  • npm
  • git
  • MongoDB v4.0


Clone the OpenHIM Core#

If you are planning to contribute to the OpenHIM Core please fork the repository and create a pull request!

Clone the repo onto your local machine with the following:

git clone

Next, download all the required dependencies using npm. Navigate into the openhim-core-js directory and run the following:

npm install

Then start the project (MongoDB should already be running with the default port exposed):

npm start

The server will by default start in production mode using the mongodb database 'openhim'. To start the serve in development mode use the following:

NODE_ENV=development npm start

This uses of the development mongodb database called 'openhim-development'.

This project uses mocha as a unit testing framework with should.js for assertions and sinon.js for spies and mocks. The tests can be run using:

npm test
npm run test:unit // Unit tests
npm run test:int // Integration tests

Setting up your OpenHIM-console dev environment#


To follow this guide you will need internet access and the following software installed:

  • NodeJS v12
  • npm
  • git
  • MongoDB v4.0


Clone the OpenHIM Console#

If you are planning to contribute to the OpenHIM Core please fork the repository and create a pull request!

Clone the repo onto your local machine with the following:

git clone

Next, download all the required dependencies using npm. Navigate into the openhim-console directory and run the following:

npm install

Then start the project (OpenHIM Core should already be running):

npm start

Navigate to the default console development url at http://localhost:9000. and login.

password: openhim-password